
I took great comfort though, from his visit to me just two days later as his spirit re-assured me that he was well, and that he was looking forward to when we could all be re-united as God dictated. That experience would stand me in great stead as I was presented with the sternest test of my faith, in the years to come. Apart from my ability to commune with those departed, my gifts also allowed me to enjoy some unimaginable and wonderful experiences that enriched my life considerably. Included amongst these were the times when I entered another person's body, and this I did on a number of occasions. I never kept this up though, as each time I had performed this act I had felt a little soiled - a bit like a voyeur or some kind of interloper. Each time that I had tried to join with another, the host had become aware of my presence very quickly, but I had never stayed long enough for them to pin down exactly who, or what, I may have been. Moreover, I had never tried this with a. I shifted her ropes to secure her to the walls of the van, spread eagle like. Then I went through her stuff and teased her a little about some of it. A notebook full of romantic nonsense about her girly fantasies of sex and love. A partial pack of condoms; I guess to show off to her friends as ‘proof’ of her having done ‘it’. That stupid vampire book.Then I got down to business. I cut her t-shirt off with my knife. That scared her. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but it looked to me like she should have been; ‘B’ cups at least. I fondled her tits for a while. I stopped when it looked like she was forgetting herself and getting into it.I pulled her pants down and looked at her panties a bit. She was wearing some nifty little ‘Batman’ underwear. ?You’re just a big nerd, aint ya?? I teased her some more.I finished cutting her pants and undies off. Then I had a long examination of her little teenage snatch. Her hair had just started to come in and it looked like she had tried to shave it into.
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